Catherine Caddigan grew up in a suburb of New York City and was introduced to the culture and art in that city from an early age. In high school she majored in art, then went to the midwest to continue her education and settled there for another several years. Catherine received a BFA (cum laude) at Saint Mary's College, Notre Dame, IN. She studied and taught for a year in Kalamazoo MI at Western Michigan University, concentrating in printmaking.  Catherine received her MFA in photography and other photographic processes at the School of Art Institute of Chicago, where she studied under Joyce Neimanas and Sonia Sheridan (founder of Generative Systems: Art, Science, and Technology) and Conrad Gleber. She was also influenced by other Chicago Photographers like Robert Heinecken and Ken Josephson  Kieth Smith. Afterward, she practiced as a graphic designer for 15 years, working in the high tech sector. During this time she relocated to Boston. 

Catherine has exhibited her work at home in the US and internationally. She practices photography, and recently, digital art and mobile photography. She was named winner in her category in the prestigious Julia Margaret Cameron Awards for Women Photographers and the Pollux Awards. She has been an honorable mention recipient in the longest running Mobile Photo Award exhibit Mobiography, multiple years. Her work was featured in the exhibit 'Melancholia' at the FotoNostrum Gallery in Barcelona, 2020. She also exhibited in the "Photography as Art" exhibit in Rome in 2020, and in Barcelona, 2021. in Hungary at the PH21 Gallery she has been curated into multiple exhibits, and in Italy Cagliari and Rome. Catherine is also often featured in interviews, exhibits and tutorials by several online resources such as the Appwhisperer, the largest website dedicated to mobile photography. Her work is included in many private collections. She is a juried member in The South Shore Art Center and The Cambridge Art Association and The National Association of Women Artitsts, and she is an active member of The Hyde Park Art Association. She has taught her craft at the Castle Hill Art Center, home to The Turo Art Association, and at The Cape Cod Art Center, both on Cape Cod, MA.